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Monday, 27 September 2010

Ray Mears Wild food business

Ray Mears is becoming increasingly popular wilderness survival trainer England. He should at all of the surviving is not a problem any start but clothing it back and maybe a sharp knife. Get plenty of nutrition in mind and, knowing how comfortable and protected wilderness within or from the weather elements he even thrive there.

Note, he has put together one of the many products ON THE DVD "Ray Mears Wild Food"; This applies to both his television series has the same name.

Mears is known for exploring ways in which the hunter gatherers (in particular the indigenous Australians) collected in the wild edible plants and hunted, and made of wild game. Yes, before the convenience stores, supermarkets or even Medieval market squares times.

In order to ensure that information about wild food immerses himself in his DVD Ray British landscape and France Ardeche Gorge, with spear fishing could be and have been made, then as now complement the harvesting of wild edible plants and other wild food such as wetlands.

Ray's DVD he will also attempt to determine and demonstrate how people Summer months have collected a wealth of fruit s, roots and leaves of up, and would have gone hunting more than dilute Them at any time year. then there is the smoked meat to keep it cold in the coming months.

Ray explains how autumn woodlands evaluation would have gone when he travels to the island in Scotland, Colonsay, how our ancestors collected and Roasted Hazelnuts, open fire.

If you want to appreciate more of their own food, different culinary experience, who want to or do not want to die at the end of the world should "as we know it ' happens, Ray Mears Wild Food is simply an extra DVD the Visual presentation and learning experience for anyone interested in the conservation of wild foods in the United Kingdom.

Robin Harford is Free Wild food collection and webmaster EatWeeds Publisher: Forager Wild Food Guide-Edible plants in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

The Essential Wild Food Survival Guide

The Essential Wild Food Survival GuideAuthor Linda Runyon lived off of the land in the wilderness of Upstate NY for years, feeding her family with wild edible plants. She has paid her dues and learned the hard way so you don't have to. With this book, you will learn how to see and use the abundance that surrounds us everywhere plants grow. You won't look at the world the same way again, and you will never fear hunger. The book is 320 jam-packed pages, profusely illustrated by the author. You will learn how to identify, gather, prepare, store and enjoy an endlessly nutritious and renewable resource. The book is full of data, charts, nutritional breakdowns, and a poisonous look-alike section. There are many clear black & white photos as well as line drawings for identification. After you gather your bounty, there's even delicious recipes! The majority of the plants are found in ALL 50 states, and, indeed, most of the world. A few are unique to the East or the West United States. Opinion leaders in this subject agree that Linda is the teacher and this is the book. Linda teaches her subject with authority. Her experience of homesteading without stores, electricity and modern conveniences led to the creation of this ultimate wild food survival guide. "The Essential Wild Food Survival Guide" will become your valuable companion on the path to healthful living.

Price: $22.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Organic Food Gardening Beginners Manual

103 page StepByStep gardening manual for beginners to learn how to grow their own healthy, organic food - saving money & eating chemical free! Great bonuses with this e-manual. Revised edition(2010) just released.

Check it out!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Wild Cards: Edible Wild Foods (All Ages)

A playing card deck by Linda Runyon, with photos and descriptions of 52 different edible plants. Ideal for hikers, campers, survival experts, and gourmet cooks. Includes key chain for easy portability.

Price: $5.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wild Foods-Little applications add your Plate

Those who advocate general in the case of large wild game and wild ingredients are often seen as a bit of equal or slightly strange. Can often be that these factors wild food you want whole-heartedly and completely change your life style, eating only wild foods.

You're welcome to do this, if you so desire, but that is definitely not wild food movement at all. It is partly the nature more and more people and views of nature in the world. If you add ingredients naturally wild General then appreciate the nature of the larder and what it can do your. Changing the nature of the enemy or something longer you must fight.Rather, the extension of the wild world into Something useful in your environment., you must make sure that you are embedding must be extended, to find out what type of food available to you.

You can create only on the basis of wild food meal.Or you can go to the nature and source of things, such as young linden (lime tree), leaves or wild herbs for salad or recipe than simple addition.

This two wild food dishes make Salad containing. almost nothing but wild zone to be infected with avian influenza by foodstuffs and main course includes some wild zone to be infected with avian influenza by ingredients he list of additions to the public (s) shall be provided.

Winter Salad

1 large bunch wintercress
1 large bunch bittercress
1 large bunch chickweed
Handful of gorse flowers (if available)
10 sheep sorrel leaves (or wood Sorrel, if it is mild in winter)
4 tbsp melted clarified butter
2 tbsp cider vinegar
1/2 small Onion, finely chopped

Carefully wash the herbs and a bowl of calcium carbonate in equivalent proportions and finely chop is placed in this folder under the ovine/caprine aid scheme-Sorrel (or wood Sorrel) and add the onion, lidded jar must be provided in order to ensure the incorporation, vinegar and spices.

Shake mix then arrange in a bowl, pour dressing over the Green toss and serve.

Spicy Chicken and Goosegrass

600 g of chicken breasts, cubed
4 garlic kukkavarret minced meat
2 small onions, sliced
butter or oil for Frying
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander seeds
1/2 tsp cayennessa (1/2 tsp freshly milled black pepper
1/2 tsp garam masala
4 the whole Clove
10 chopped tomatoes
200 g goosegrass leaves
salt, to taste

Add chicken and a little oil pan and stir-fry until browned meat comfortably. Remove the Pan and set aside the. Now a little more oil in a pan and fry gently for a few minutes to use before you add spices (with the exception of garam masala) Onion and garlic for a few minutes more. Fry the return value of the chicken dish with tomatoes and about 400 ml of water.

After the end of the period of Salt with shall be adopted in accordance with the heated. very small hauduttaa, cover and continue cooking in order to reduce the level of around 40 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Bring currently at the end of the heat and mix-in goosegrass.

Continue cooking until the sauce thickens and most of the liquid is evaporated. Remove the heat and serve in bed garam masala rice.

I hope that these recipes has shown that wild foods to include in your diet does not have to be complex or "worthy" all you need is to go find some ingredients and use them!

Dyfed Lloyd Evans is love food and cookery, and in particular passion for modern cooking more wild zone to be infected with avian influenza by ingredients include. He has created Wild Foods guide, which is not all, and you can find many more recipes, featuring state-of-the-wild ingredients his Wild Food recipes pages.

Living And Raw Foods

The Largest Community On The Internet Dedicated To Educating The World About Living And Raw Foods.

Check it out!

Friday, 24 September 2010

The Ultimate Organic Lifestyle

Everything You Need To Know About Living An Organic Lifestyle Is Revealed In One Convenient, Inexpensive EBook(R)!

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Eating Wild Plants

There are several reasons you may want to use the wild plants which are not intended for human consumption.

Wild plants of about unique flavors that can be very favorites.Water Cress something sweet pancake syrup, such as peanut butter sandwich is one of the particularly enjoy. Dandelion Greens pesto spaghetti sauce mix with is another.

Because many wild edible plants taste are so different from the usual flowers, you are likely to be initially does not accept some of the delicious flavorful food. Almost all food flavor other than sweet, salty, starchy at and fat, I suppose acquired tastes.It takes time for your mind to recognize you do not know the flavor tried and true ' into the wild food as a favorite. your diet by eating small, when you are most hungry. Repeatedly in this case, so may take a new food, one that particularly enjoy.

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients of wild foods, many data sources, the count is on average higher than wild foods. Shows production volume, taste, as well as storage and other qualities other than nutrition is selectively processed domestic vegetables.

P. fruit and vegetables are sold in the supermarket has been chemically fertilized; herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and a wide range of other chemicals, and they may have been genetically modified and/or found to be irradiated and not labelled. Eating such products safety is a concern for many people.Most of these concerns the protection of species of wild foods to avoid. If you can collect wild foods to avoid having them signed on the roadsides, which have been treated with chemicals or other areas that can work together.

There is a possibility that supermarket food become contaminated from pathogens. Dozens of diseases can spread it is until it has been included in the grocery bag up to any food handling by the infected person. Growing wild plants by human hands in the afternoon.

Wild plants can be prepared in a variety of ways.Green can be transferred to food processor or blender to make pesto. Add a little oil to the mixture process very soluble in water; you can then easily be confused with Pesto other ingredients such as peanut butter, with tomato sauce or flavoring for syrup. Some Greens such as purslane lambsquarters, chickweed and can be used in any event, the spinach is complete. Strong or bitter Greens is boiled water Panel once or twice to reduce the bitterness. This is done in some cases, the dandelion leaves. Then other ingredients can be added to the flavoring, and texture.

Fruit can simply mix nuts such as almonds, or seed or sunflower seeds.

Some other plants, bulbs, roots and shoots cattail tuber and burdock root can be cooked the tenderness of increase or decrease the strong flavours and then simply eaten as such.

Remember what it is that you are going to eat and make sure that is edible. To hear a good reference book. If possible, is a person who is familiar with a particular plant, point out to you. Most of the photos are not of sufficient quality, can be invoked to positively identify wild plant.

Some edible plants are poisonous look-alikes.Number of establishments have edible parts and poisonous components.Parts of the plant are edible only after it has been prepared in a certain way.The small quantities of plant dishes without problems, but if you eat too much of the digestive system, you may need to force a protest.

There are about 6 or 8 disaster scenarios which I think is likely to take place some time most of them appear to be likely to. happen in my lifetime. but you never know it makes sense. it is not drawn up at least to some extent cases, Normal food stopped. examples of disaster, in the most likely to occur are asteroid hitting the Earth, a massive nuclear war, the global epidemic and one or two large crops such as maize and wheat, widespread disease or failure of the change of climate change.

The collection of wild food is an interesting and enjoyable.Milk powder or add a new favorite menu can take you through woods open fields, meadows and other places of beauty. it is an excellent way to get to enjoy the natural world and the complexity and MAJESTY.It adds that the world is a good place to enjoy the benefits of the skin.Is emotionally pleasing to find something that shows free and exceptional value.

Natural food to give more awareness of the Foundation for the improvement of living things to one another and the environment, inter-relatedness. This greater awareness helps us to appreciate more weather and climate, abundance, quality, agriculture, and food and how those things.

If you are interested in a few detailed recipes and other common processes a couple see

For more information, see the wild edible plants and recipes milk powder edible Wild,

A list of links more informaion

See some of the books of wild edible plants

Detwiler starts in the field of Web site visitors Leisureideas. Encourages imagination and whatever happens to be available to find new ways to get yourself.

Sector write books about how leikkimielisyyttää and a sense of wonder. His books are available in digital format and purchased and eBookMall Web site loaded. then go to Detwiler Search.

Renewable Wild Foods-Foraging Locally

Herbs, Greens, fruit s, berries, nuts, seeds, mushrooms and fungi, roots and that people have made use of the food and home remedies for thousands of years the local parks abound traffic control failures, and escaping the notification, unless you plan to sell their large price health food shops or in the green market. Featured ingredients in restaurants, who pride themselves on the purchase of local, these wild food also pop up in gardens, destroyed 19 "weeds." Many of these common, free renewable resources are still better-tasting and more than usually you buy product ravitsevaa.

For more information about this fascinating topic correctly, follow these steps:

Configure any you plan to eat 100% confidence.
Some wild plants are toxic, and may resemble edible species.
Start by learning a few species that is missing a very poisonous look-alikes. Follow them before the extension of your repertoire through the seasons.
See what you are you picking list as close to toxic plants does not inadvertently on your bag.
Eat small quantities for the first time, allergies, or other adverse effects. Collect only a small part of the very common wild, where they are abundant.This is more efficient and leaves no footprint. avoid contaminated or Sprayed areas, such as heavy traffic areas etäyhteyspalvelinta (if heavy metals resolve) or railroad duct, which is sprayed.Rinse your preparation before the harvest.

Here is an example of a common edible species below. Connection change forever in our local ecosystems and food choices:
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)

This common edible tree history and with the original source of the primary beer. will make it easy for you, because it is a different 3-scented foliage, all smooth edged: one is oval, 3-lobed and one is a mitten-shaped. This small and medium enterprises (SME) in the tree on the lens will loose clusters mid-spring, a small, yellow, 5-petaled flowers followed by ovoid, blue-black berries. It is very rich in forests and thickets, and roadsides and in the forest edges. By using the local food in the restaurants, click this. For more information about the local milk powder in the territory of the State of New York, click this.

Position väkivaltaisuutta seedlings, which does not bring the whole of the sunlight is alive, so you can drag them and they are in the period around the year.Wash the roots and simmer for 20 minutes, they belong to the Native Americans used spring. confirm this tasty tea, and 1500s profited, export and sell European this native herb with the lock step their greed growing health benefits.In the end it was laattavalun everything.Unfortunately, all contain sexually transmitted diseases, and soon all Cup of tea in place of the Syphilis or tippuritapauksia sassafras was suspected.In the bottom of the market and traders by sassafras were ruined.

You can now in ice tea and chilled sparkling water and sweeteners do primary beer mix. Or bark of the root soft cambium, the surrounding wood, thin, white level, and use it instead of cinnamon is very exotic tasting drinks and desserts.

Beware! the food and Drug Administration to remove the sassafras from the test showed that if you only have 200 cups sassafras Tea, made from artificial concentrate, only 2 years, every day and during the game, the player is responsible to rat, you have increased the opportunity to develop their doses in rats change safrole., active constituent, carcinogen. people and never got sick in the drinking water is the number of sassafras Tea also heat destroys safrole. Furthermore, the beer, it is 14 times to increase the alcoholic strength of products for cancer sassafras is rodents and beer's available for sale.

Steve Brill has full-time, freelance, seasonal naturalist and teacher, and author of the environment, who teaches people offering a wide range of information about wild food, renewable, that most of us do not recognize or announcement, where any hidden's greenery.

Organic Gardening

Set up your own organic garden and grow your own 100% organic vegetables. You will no longer have to spend money purchasing vegetables from your local market that will go bad quickly and need to be replaced.

Check it out!

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Wild Wise women For Foods

 Did you know that many of those unglamorous "weeds" that you've been poisoning or pulling out of your garden and lawn are some of the world's most well-respected and powerful healing plants? If not, you aren't alone: many people don't realize that common ordinary weeds can build and maintain good health. Common weeds that grow by you can boost your immunity, strengthen your liver, help you build strong blood, counter colds and the flu, increase your vitality, and even prevent cancer.

Health-promoting weeds are easy to find (even in the city), easy to identify, easy to prepare, incredibly abundant, and as delicious as high-priced gourmet goodies. Go outside right now and see if you can find one or more of my seven favorites: Burdock, Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Plantain, Red Clover, Violet, or Yellow Dock. (To the botanist: Arctium lappa, Taraxacum officinale, Plantago majus, Trifolium pratense, Viola odorata, and Rumex crispus.) You probably take them for granted. But if they could talk, they would say "Here we are! We love you! We're waiting to change your life!"

How can they change your life? When properly prepared and used, these weeds can boost your immunity, strengthen your liver, renew your energy, and help prevent cancer. And the best part is, they're free!


Dandelion and Honeysuckle are particularly good builders of the immune system. (The immune system is a network of cells and cell products that defends the body against disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and cancer cells.) Dandelion root tincture (20 drops, 2 3 times a day) actually increases the production of interferon, a protein that inhibits viral multiplication and activates T-cells.

Can a powerful immune system prevent cancer? Put cancer into remission? Prevent the recurrence of cancer that has been treated? Stop a cancer from metastasizing? In my book Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way, I answer these questions affirmatively (and share recipes for immune-building soups, too). Building powerful immunity can help us remain cancer-free and it provides long-lasting benefits - and long life - for relatively little effort.


The liver is the body's recycling center. This large organ is critical to healthy digestive functioning, utilization of hormones, and removal of chemicals from the body. Dandelion is an outstanding liver strengthener. It is known to protect, heal and tone up the liver, helping to relieve food allergies and aid digestion, as well as repairing damage done by drugs, chemicals, alcohol, and infections such as hepatitis. Burdock, Red Clover, Plantain, and Yellow Dock are also powerful liver strengtheners.

Most experienced healers that I've met are unanimous in their agreement that a healthy liver is the basis for a healthy and long life. Perhaps the single most important benefit to be gained from befriending the weeds is the strengthening of your liver function.

Dandelion, Yellow Dock, or Burdock roots are used in tinctures (20 drops, 2 3 times a day) or vinegars (1-2 large spoonsful on salad daily); Red Clover is best taken as an infusion; Plantain leaves are eaten in salad or infused in apple cider vinegar.


Yellow Dock builds strong blood. Strong blood is rich in iron and other minerals needed for health. Strong blood is nutrient-rich - so vital organs get the nourishment they need for optimum functioning. Strong blood helps muscles work well without cramping and aching. Strong blood is low in cholesterol and moves easily through the circulatory system. Strong blood is packed with plenty of energy: for life, for work, and for sex.

Other green allies that build strong blood are Dandelion leaves, Red Clover blossoms, and Plantain leaves. (And for strong veins, Burdock root vinegar is a trusted ally.) Daily doses of Yellow Dock root - vinegar (see below) or tincture (5-20 drops once or twice a day) - often increase iron levels in the blood twice as fast as iron supplements. If you wish to avoid alcohol, soak chopped fresh Yellow Dock roots (or any of the other plants mentioned here) in vinegar to cover for 6 weeks. I use 1-2 tablespoons a day of the resulting medicinal vinegar to build strong blood.


Throughout the orient, Honeysuckle flowers are steeped in water and the resulting strong tea - scientifically established as antiseptic, anti-microbial, and anti-infective - drunk to ward off colds and the flu. (An injectable form of Honeysuckle is used in Chinese hospitals to counter severe infections.) Red Clover blossoms mixed with ordinary mint and steeped in hot water for several hours is an effective "cold remedy" passed down from Colonial housewives.


The leaves of Violets and the blossoms of both Honeysuckle and Red Clover are renowned as safe, life-enhancing tonics. In addition to enhancing vitality and rejuvenating fertility, they have proven effectiveness against pre-cancerous conditions. Red Clover especially is noted for its ability to reverse in situ breast cancers, cervical dysplasia, and pre-cancerous polyps of the colon. Violet, whether drunk in infusion or applied as a poultice, has a reputation as a dissolver of breast lumps and a protector of the lungs, even checking the growth of tumors.


The most amazing thing about these seven humble plants is that each of them has been associated with cancer prevention. Plantain is an important Latin-American folk remedy against cancer. Burdock as a specific cure for breast cancer dates back to at least 1887 in the Ukraine. Around the world, Red Clover is a widely used folk remedy against cancer and is known as "The herb of immortality." Dandelion is known to stop the promotion of oncogenes. (When damaged or turned on, an oncogene initiates cancer.) Violet slows tumor growth. Honeysuckle is a popular anti-cancer agent in China. Yellow dock is one of the original plants in the Native American anti-cancer brew now known as Essiac.

As you can see, these seven plants are not useless weeds by any means. Even if you don't reach out and pick them from your yard (or that nearby vacant lot), I know you'll be more aware of the abundance of green blessings surrounding you.

For more information on how to prepare and use herbs consult any of my books including Healing Wise and Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way. (Available in book stores and health food stores, or by calling 1-800-356-9315)



Dig first-year roots in autumn; use mature seeds. Used internally, it resolves chronic skin problems; fresh root binds and removes heavy metals and chemicals. Use daily for six or more weeks; it is not unusual to take burdock regularly for 2 to 3 years. Dried root infusion: 1 to 2 cups. Cooked, dried, or raw root: eaten freely. Fresh root vinegar: 1-4 tablespoons. Tincture of fresh roots or seeds: 30-250 drops. Infused oil of seeds: as needed on skin or scalp to encourage growth of new hair. Burdock is slow acting but miraculous.

Leaves are nourishing, roots are tonifying. Improves outlook, improves digestion and appetite, relieves food allergies. Can use daily for prolonged use. Fresh leaves and flowers: eaten freely. Cooked greens: ½ to 2 cups (125 to 500 ml). Dried root infusion (tea) 1 to 3 cups (250-750 ml). Tincture of fresh plant, including root: 15-120 drops. Wine of fresh flowers: no more than 6 oz (200 ml). Infused oil of fresh flowers: as needed. Dandelion is a superb ally for liver and breasts. Regular use internally before meals and externally before sleep helps keep breasts healthy, reverses cancerous changes. Digestion is settled and strengthened a few minutes after taking a dose. Results in breast tissue are slower, taking six weeks or more to become evident.

One of the most vigorous vines known, Honeysuckle makes an excellent complementary medicine for many Western drugs, moderating or eliminating many of their damaging side-effects. The flowerbuds are harvested in May or June, dried quickly in the sun without turning or handling, infused in water overnight (one ounce dried blossoms to one quart boiling water in a tightly sealed jar steeped for 4-10 hours), and drunk freely.


Use leaves, harvested any time, or ripe seeds with hulls. Internal use: Seeds: anti-microbial, against thrush; Leaves: promote blood clotting, increase in iron, strengthen digestion.

Used externally: leaf poultice or oil reduces cysts, heals skin and connective tissues, stops itching and prevents scars.
Daily use: no limit.
Raw leaves: 3-20 chopped in salad.
Fresh leaf vinegar: 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml).
Fresh leaf oil/ointment or poultice: as needed.
Internal response is prompt; noticeable improvement in blood iron is seen in two weeks of daily use. External response is also rapid: itching ceases, bleeding stops, pain abates, and swelling recedes in minutes. Plantain promotes quick, scarless healing from all wounds.

Red Clover:

Use the just-opened blossoms with a few leaves clinging. Internally: alkalinizes, builds blood; helps prevent the recurrence of cancer, protects liver and lungs, improves appetite, relieves constipation, eases anxiety; relieves symptoms of menopause, increases fertility. Externally: softens and reduces breast lumps; is antifungal. Daily use is without limit. Fresh blossoms: eaten freely. Infusion (tea) of dried flowers: up to one quart (1 liter). Tincture/mother tincture of fresh blossoms: 15-100 drops. Fresh flower vinegar: 1-4 tablespoons (15-60 ml). Note: Over consumption of blood-thinning coumarins, which are present only in low amounts in red clover but found in greater amounts in other clovers such as sweet clover, can lead to the breakdown of blood cells and increase risk of hemorrhage. Red clover (legume family) shares with its sisters, lentil and astragalus, the ability to repair damaged DNA, turn off oncogenes, and reverse both pre-cancers and in situ cancers. According to J. Hartwell, author of Plants Used Against Cancer, medical literature has reported and confirmed hundreds of cases of remission of cancer after consistent use of red clover. I agree.

Use the leaves, harvested any time, even during flowering. Externally: Eases pain and inflammation, heals mouth sores, softens skin, antifungal. Daily dose: Use without limit, non-toxic. Fresh leaves: in salad, as desired. Dried leaf infusion: up to one quart (1 liter). Fresh or dried leaf poultice: continuously. Internal and external use of violet can shrink a breast lump in a month.
Yellow Dock:

Use roots of a plant at least two years old, dug after autumn frosts, or very early in the spring; leaves, harvested at any time, use ripe seeds. Internally: as root tincture or vinegar, yellow dock builds healthy blood, protects liver, and acts as a laxative. As a seed tea, it heals mouth sores and checks diarrhea. Externally: Poultices dissolve lumps, counter tumors and kill fungus infections. Can be used daily for up to 12 months. Tincture of fresh roots: 10-60 drops per day. Fresh root vinegar: 1-2 tablespoons (30 ml) per day. Dried seed tea: no more than one cup (250 ml) per day. Fresh root oil/ointment: liberally, as needed.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion

Susun Weed, Copyright 2009

LEARN HOW TO PREVENT ILLNESS AND HEAL YOURSELF safely and easily the Wise Woman Way. Women's health forum, FREE women's forum, weblog, and email group. Topics include menopause, breast health, childbearing, fertility, disease prevention, nutritional advice, and cancer prevention. Visit the Wise Woman Web

Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods

Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture FoodsFor thousands of years humans have enjoyed the taste and nutrition of fermented foods and drinks. We rely on the transformative, almost magical power of fermentation to preserve and improve all sorts of food, making them tastier, more digestible, and more appealing. Author Sandor Katz takes readers on a whirlwind trip through the wild world of fermentation. The book is divided into chapters that focus on particular types of food and Katz provides readers with delicious recipes-—some familiar, others exotic—-that are easy to make at home, including vegetable krauts and kimchis; sourdough breads and pancakes; miso and tempeh; beers, wines, and meads; yogurt and cheeses.

The recipes provide a veritable smorgasbord of tastes, like homemade tempeh, sauerkraut, and borscht, along with a basic description of yogurt and cheese-making, complete with vegan alternatives. Whether you prefer to wash down your meal with Elderberry wine or Nepalese rice beer, there's something here to satisfy any palate.

Katz, a leading expert on the history of these foods, has written a revolutionary and informative culinary guide he calls "a cultural manifesto." He has experimented with many forms of fermentation and has developed and collected a wide range of techniques and recipes from around the world.

Price: $25.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

The Wild Food Trailguide

This new edition of a book that Explorer magazine called "an indispensable field guide to the most common edible plants of North America" offers 85 plants that are not only edible, they are truly worth eating. This guide is as much fun to browse as it is to use. Many of the plants we call weeds were brought here by settlers. Our grandparents still knew where to find them, how to use them and when to harvest. They are not confined to the wilderness but can be found in your backyard or along roadsides -- even on urban expressway margins and vacant lots. More than 25 uses -- from salads and seasonings to jams and pies -- can add variety to meals and really cut rising food costs. This guide makes harvesting nature's free bounty sure, safe and easy. It is, as noted by the New York Times, "extremely well organized." Each plant is described in clear, nontechnical terms and each is illustrated. The text clearly spells out the part of the plant that is edible, when to collect it and how to prepare it.

Price: $16.99

Click here to buy from Amazon